Harmony in Every Space: Elevate Your Communal Areas. Be Compliant.

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Privacy policy

Who we are?

MANAGE MI PROPERTY LTD (07720325756) is a company registered in England and Wales whose registered office is at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 8JQ.

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by writing to: at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 8JQ.

We operate under the General Data Protection Act (DPA) which was passed in 1988.

What do we do?

We manage storage of personal items in the communal areas of blocks of flats and personal belongings left by renters in rented flats and in car parks. We act on behalf of Landlords in accordance with the Tort (Interference with Goods) Act 1977 when dealing with abandoned goods left behind by a tenant. Any landlords that dispose of or sell abandoned goods by a tenant without following the correct procedure as laid out by the Torts Act 1977 could find themselves liable for damages.

Torts notices will be placed on goods left in communal areas (internal and external communal areas) will be given a time period to be removed by their owners failure of which they will be removed and placed in storage for onward disposal or collection by their owners subject to provision of identification and a fee. Items that are of an immediate risk to the development will be removed and disposed of.

Your personal data will be obtained, retained and processed, depending on the category of user at our retained sites.

The Legal Position

This privacy notice includes the following information to help you understand clearly how your data is being used:

• The lawful basis for processing your data

• Categories of data processed

• What we do with your personal data.

What are your rights under the Data Protection Laws?

1. The right to be informed

2. The right of access

3. The right to rectification

4. The right to erasure

5. The right to restrict processing

6. The right to data portability

7. The right to object

8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

Please note that you have the right to request the above, however, when we receive your requests we may object to your request if we do not agree with it. However, if you do make the request we will tell you if the request has been granted or not.

Right of Access:

You have the right to submit a Subject Access Request and this can be done via an email request to our DPO. We will need to obtain proof of your identity before providing you with information we hold about you. You can do so by writing to: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 8JQ.

If you require more information about items raised in this notice we recommend you visit the ICO website,www.ico.org.uk

Our Legitimate Interest for Processing Your Personal Data

1. The processing is necessary for a contract which has been entered into and there is a legitimate interest to do so.

2. We are entitled to:

a. Pursue a tenant for an unpaid fee for collection, storage and disposal costs

b. Pursue a client for an unpaid fee for collection, storage and disposal costs

c. Ensure safety and security of communal areas

d. Immediate removal and disposal of items that a risk to the development.

The Three Categories of “Personal Data” we Process:

1. No Unpaid Charge/Tariff:

As a compliant user of our communal managed sites, the personal data we obtain is your name and address. We may capture images personal belongings and your flat number and the vehicle, occupants or bystanders. A full list of your Rights under GDPR are summarised above.

2. Unpaid Fee:

Where there is a fee which is payable we may request personal details of the registered keeper of the vehicle from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency “DVLA” and other third parties (for example the registered keeper or hire companies where applicable) who may possess information which could assist in resolving any dispute.

The personal details we will obtain include:

a) The name and address of the registered keeper;

b) The make, model and colour of the vehicle;

c) Confirmation of the registration number;

d) Description of the item removed, and

e) Any other information that we gather, in pursuance of the unpaid fee, including information that is shared by you with us.

Your data will be held for a sufficient period of time to enable the fee to be settled, by you or another person and resolve any dispute. However, your data will not normally be held for longer than 6 years in such circumstances. In some circumstances your data may be held for longer than 6 years. Examples of when we may hold your data for longer are;

• When there is an ongoing dispute which requires us to hold the data for longer than normal.

• Where a court order has been made allowing us to pursue outstanding money after the

expiration of 6 years.

3. Appeals:

If you decide to challenge a charge and we reject your challenge, then we will provide your registration number and charge number along with the time and date of the event(s) to the relevant courts. This is to allow you to contest the charge with an independent adjudicator.

Sharing Your Personal Data

Your personal data may be shared for the payment of a charge with: third parties, such as a payment facilitator, an external software provider, debt recovery companies, solicitors, the court and court officers/bailiffs where necessary to ensure compliance with your obligations under the contract. We will not transfer your personal data out of the EU.

GDPR compliant

At its core, Manage Mi Property’s GDPR Compliance means that as an organization we fall within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) meets the requirements for properly handling personal data as defined in the law.

Changes to Our Privacy Notice

From time to time we may amend the way in which we process personal data. This may lead to changes in how we collect and/or use your personal information. We may amend the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time.

Contact Us

If you have any queries relating to this Privacy Notice, please contact us by writing to: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 8JQ or by email dpo@managemiproperty.com